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50 years of success - Established 1974

50 Years of Success
Established in 1974

"Helping you gain
.control of your career"

Does The Future Scare You?

It’s a good question and one that every person will answer slightly differently. Some people will find the idea of all the changes that are taking place exciting, providing wonderful opportunities. Others (perhaps those who are a little older) will find the thought of robotics, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the fact that jobs for life are becoming less and less common, frightening.

Some employers are already experimenting  with having their staff connected to sensors all day so that they can see how much they are interacting with the public and other members of staff; what things cause them particular stress; how much exercise they are getting and how their mood is affected by all these things. They claim this monitoring is so that they can ensure that staff are working healthily and don’t suffer undue stress. But I’m sure that many people would resent this and look upon it as unacceptable interference in their lives. It really could be seen as ‘Big Brother Is Watching You’ (George Orwell’s 1984).

That’s the darker side, but you must admit that technology has made life easier for most people. What would we do without our mobile phones, apps, and the ability to access all the information we need at the touch of a button? But many good employers now believe that dealing with clients from home (because you can) and catching up with your emails in the middle of the night might not be the blessing they envisaged. They feel that employees must be able to disconnect and relax. Otherwise they will lose their creativity and ability to innovate.

So, whether you view the Fourth Industrial Revolution – the Digital Revolution – with anticipation or terror you can’t escape the fact that there are going to be huge changes in the next 10 years and the only way you will be able to benefit from these changes is if you keep up.

That’s why learning for life is so important. The old idea that you trained, took a job when you left school or college and then stayed in it for the rest of your life is virtually dead. You’re going to have to keep broadening and upgrading your skills if you hope to stay in employment. And what better way to do this than by distance learning? You don’t need to take time off to improve your education, so your boss might be willing to pay for your training. Alternatively, it’s a good way to gain new qualifications that will allow you to move on – and the fact that you’ve taken the initiative might just impress a prospective employer. So why not have a look at and see what’s there that could put you ahead of the competition.





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Susan Metcalfe - head of Business Training - discusses business, training and work issues. Come and join in the conversation or just enjoy the read!