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50 years of success - Established 1974

50 Years of Success
Established in 1974

"Helping you gain
.control of your career"

Could You Be A Blogger?

It’s that time of year again – here in the UK it’s cold and crisp and we’re starting the run-up to Christmas. But I know that many of you, around the world, will be experiencing a very different kind of weather. I also know that many of you don’t celebrate Christmas, so December is less hectic.

But what we’ve all got in common is the need to communicate. Here at Business Training we do tend to put the emphasis on business communication – writing letters, emails, reports, minutes etc. With so many people, worldwide, speaking English as their first or second language and so much information on the Internet being provided in English it’s only sensible to make sure that people can understand you. Business English isn’t only useful in an office, but it’s essential if you want to work in the tourist trade or you want to expand your business interests overseas.

On the other hand, our sister college – the Writers Bureau – also specialises in communication, but from a different perspective. Their courses are all about creative writing: novels, non-fiction books, articles, poetry, plays. At this point, you might be wondering why this is relevant to you. The answer is that being able to write well-planned, interesting non-fiction can be a great boost to your career.

Just think about it. Your company has a magazine or newsletter and the editor is always asking for contributions. You will certainly stand out from the crowd if you can provide articles that are interesting, relevant or amusing. Many companies have a blog, which they use to talk to their customers (just like this one) or promote their products. With a little skill you could volunteer to take on this task as part of your job. It will add interest to your work and will give you something different to put on your CV.

Or, you may just want to earn a little extra money in your spare time. If you can write well there is a huge market in newspapers and magazines for articles on a wide range of topics. You can write about travel, your hobbies, food, reviews and business advice. The list is virtually endless…

And don’t forget the social side. You could contribute to church, school or community magazines – in fact, you could even start one up if nothing already exists.

Article writing is enjoyable – either as part of your work or as a hobby and, whether you write in English or your own language, it can be a great way of earning a little extra money or boosting your career prospects. Plus, it’s probably the quickest and easiest way of getting your name into print.

So, if you’d like to know a little more about how to get started and where it could lead you, check out our short Article Writing Course.




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Susan Metcalfe - head of Business Training - discusses business, training and work issues. Come and join in the conversation or just enjoy the read!