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50 years of success - Established 1974

50 Years of Success
Established in 1974

"Helping you gain
.control of your career"

Opening Your Eyes to Sales Techniques

Two of the Business Training Courses that I particularly like are the Complete Copywriter Course and the Professional Sales Techniques Course. I think it’s probably that selling skills – whether oral or written – play such a large part in our life.

You may not think you are a copywriter, but every time you draft a short advert to sell something on ebay or your local online marketplace then you are writing copy. You have to think what features your product has, what  advantages these will provide for the buyer and then what benefits he or she will get from  owning the product. If you can do this successfully you will help yourself stand out from all the other similar ads and make a sale. In other words, your ad will be FAB (features, advantages, benefits).

Another useful tip that you will find is The Ways Principle. WAYS stands for Write As You Speak! Lots of writers (not just those trying to sell something) believe that written English has to be presented in quite a different way from the spoken version. So they make a point of using long, difficult words they would never use in speech. They write in convoluted sentences and paragraphs that require effort and concentration to understand.

But the average reader doesn’t want to be dazzled by your literary style or amazed by your massive vocabulary. They just want to understand what you are trying to explain. And you’ll be a far more successful communicator if you always bear that in mind.

Both courses show you how to improve your sales skills both written (Complete Copywriter Course) and face-to-face (Professional Sales Techniques) so that you can seek promotion or set up as a freelance, running your own business.

But they do something else that I find very useful. They tip you off to the techniques that companies use to persuade you to buy. When I’m faced with a sales letter, or a webpage trying to make me purchase something; or when I need to buy a car or new windows from a slick salesperson I’m aware of the techniques they are using to try to manipulate me and make me spend more money. And it really does help me to stand back and think whether a particular product is really for me or whether I’m being pushed into buying it by a someone who’s very accomplished at selling – and may even have taken one of our courses!

So, if you want to improve your selling skills, or you just want to be armed with knowledge about the techniques that are often used to tempt you into buying something you might not need , then you’ll find these courses as interesting and valuable as I do.


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Susan Metcalfe - head of Business Training - discusses business, training and work issues. Come and join in the conversation or just enjoy the read!