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50 Years of Success
Established in 1974

"Helping you gain
.control of your career"

Business Training's Student of the Year 2014


Congratulations to Mark Binige – the winner of Business Training’s 2014 Student of the Year Award!

It’s one of our favourite times of the year – the winners of the Student of the Year Award have been chosen. As always, it was a really tough decision. Every year, the judges are so impressed by the entries that it takes several days to choose just one winner. And, the student who impressed our judges with their dedication and progress the most was Mark Binige. We really wish we could make you all winners, but we can’t!

Anyway, I’m sure once you’ve read about Mark’s achievements you’ll agree that he is a deserving winner. The judges were particularly impressed with his speedy rise through the ranks to his present position and his dedication to continued learning. But, instead of telling you all about it here, why not read about Mark’s success in his own words.

[Read Mark's Story]

Mark Binige

OTHER YEARS:  2013     2012     2011   

If you are a student of The Business Training College and would like to enter the competition for 2015, please click here.

You could walk away with the first prize of £100!

To celebrate the success and achievements of our students we are pleased to run our annual Student of the Year Award. First prize is £100 and there are four equal runners-up prizes of £25 each.

We hope you enjoy reading about all of this year's winners!

...and the runners-up are:

JospahtJosphat Mutua Musau, Kenya.

“After I joined Business Training, I saw a number of changes. These included my immediate boss and my peers at work, who started recognising that there was a sudden change in my life and the way I handle and manage things. Communication became an integral part of my job and earned me respect."

[Read Josphat's Story]

Delis_Marlene120.jpgMarlene Delis, Papua New Guinea.

“Before joining Business Training Limited I was a base level secondary school teacher. After joining the training, I was studying my first set of course materials when I came across writing successful letters. I was so enthusiastic, I applied for a position as a Training and Capacity Building Officer for an NGO."

[Read Marlene's Story]

Christopher Chola, Zambia

“Since joining BTL, and progressing through my studies, with the tutor’s valuable comments given after each assignment, I felt confident enough to respond to a job advertisement. I took the letter personally to the managing director. "

[Read Christopher's Story]



Dharamveer Manohur, Mauritius

“After getting my diploma from Business Training, I have been offered numerous jobs. I went from being a co-ordinator in a hotel to a financial analyst and now I’m a manager of a franchise company. My salary has increased by two and a half times and I am also teaching part-time in the evenings."

[Read Dharamveer's Story]

Mark Binige“Before joining Business Training, I was employed as an area supervisor for Seventh Day Adventist Church. I was then made redundant and found myself out of work for two years, which lead to disappointment and failure.

“When Business Training was introduced to me by my best friend, I saw it as my passport to satisfaction in all aspects of my life. While taking my course in Business English with Spoken English, I secured a job as a security guard.

“After I completed my Business English course, I presented my Diploma to my human resources manager – she promoted me right on the spot to receptionist and three months after that to night auditor. After being in that position for a period of six months, I was promoted again to the position of debtor’s clerk, which came with a pay increase of 20% and further training, allowing me to achieve my certificate in Excel Level 1.

“On December 30th 2013, I was surprised when my managers nominated me for employee of the year and promoted me to Stock Controller, which is my present job. It has given me and my family a number of welcome benefits, including free medical services, an annual leave salary, a school fee subsidy and another pay increment. Finally, I’m looking forward to starting my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.

“Looking back from where I am today, I have tears of joy when I think about how Business Training has helped me.”

Mark Binige

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JosphatNow onto the runners-up! We chose four people we feel should receive recognition for their superb efforts on the course and the great things they’ve done after achieving their Diploma. The first of these is Josphat Mutua Musau from Kenya. 

 “After I joined Business Training, I saw a number of changes. These included my immediate boss and my peers at work, who started recognising that there was a sudden change in my life and the way I handle and manage things. Communication became an integral part of my job and earned me respect. This was noticed by my immediate boss, who suggested that I be given more responsibilities. This has given me more experience, a wage rise and training with national and international companies.

“My Diploma helped me gain admission to a local university, where I am studying Business Management /Human Resources Management . I am in my final year and will graduate in December this year.

“In our company we also have a Savings and Credit Society and last year all the members unanimously elected me as Vice Chairman. This is due to the management and leadership skills I learned from the course.

“I was also chosen to participate in a two-week training course, run by the University of Western Cape Town, South Africa. To be considered for this course, I had to create a letter detailing why I would be the person best suited for selection by the organisation. The great lessons I had learnt on the usage of English grammar, how to write business letters and how to apply for a vacancy were very useful. After selection, the organisation offered me sponsorship to attend the training and my bosses offered to pay my return airfare.

“I and my two colleagues started a company in 2012, as a side business, and so far it’s doing well. I am a Director and Chairman of the company as well. We now have four employees. I manage the day-to-day operations. This company has helped me to incorporate another family company, which will be selling beauty products. It’s in the early stages, but I can foresee growth.

“The business management skills I learnt from the training helped me to share an idea I had about starting a social fund with my former high school friends. We pool our funds together and use it reach out to the less fortunate in our society. I am the chairman of the fund and I have, so far, been re-elected for two consecutive terms.

“Business Training Limited is a life changer and I would encourage everyone with a mind to suceed to enrol with this great college.”

Josphat Mutua Musau


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MarleneThe next worthy runner-up is Marlene Delis from Papua New Guinea.

Before joining Business Training Limited I was a base level secondary school teacher. After joining the training, I was studying my first set of course materials when I came across writing successful letters. I was so enthusiastic, I applied for a position as a Training and Capacity Building Officer for an NGO. Fortunately, I was accepted. In my new job I used what I gained from Business Training on how to write reports, letters and budgets. In July 2013, my project manager left, but not before recommending me as her replacement. My salary increased, doubling from what it was before. As a single mother, raising two young children alone, I was able to give my children the best education. I was able to pay for their school fees and give them the best life can offer.

“In my current job, I have the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally. I am also required to do presentations and train the people in the communities in which I work. I also have to prepare reports and presentations for the NGOs government partners as well as other NGOs. The biggest highlight of my work with this NGO was when I did a presentation for a media conference and advocated on children’s participation. The project I co-ordinated won a UNESCO/DWU media Freedom Day Award for recognising and giving space for child participation.”

Marlene Delis


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ChristopherWell done to Christopher Chola, the third runner up in our Student of the Year Award!

“Since joining BTL, and progressing through my studies, with the tutor’s valuable comments given after each assignment, I felt confident enough to respond to a job advertisement. I took the letter personally to the managing director. After explaining that I was studying and showing him my marked examination papers he was impressed. I was interviewed and picked straight away.

“I also requested and received a recommendation letter, which I submitted the following day. Two weeks later, I was promoted from field officer to assistant field supervisor. Everything changed – the company started paying for my accommodation and a month later I started receiving money to pay for my mobile airtime too.

“Currently, I am running my own business in gardening and I have eleven workers, who appreciate me for being a good manager. Above all, I have built a three-bed house, which is admired by everyone who passes by. And I have won respect from my relatives and colleagues.”

Christopher Chola


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DharamveerAnd last, but most certainly not least, our fourth runner up is Dharamveer Manohur. Well done Dharamveer!

“After getting my diploma from Business Training, I have been offered numerous jobs. I went from being a co-ordinator in a hotel to a financial analyst and now I’m a manager of a franchise company. My salary has increased by two and a half times and I am also teaching part-time in the evenings. The increase in salary means I was able to buy a new house.

“Nowadays, I am pursuing a Masters Degree in Financial Management and I hope to realise my greatest ambition of becoming a financial manager.

“Business Training has helped me to become a more outgoing person and has given me the confidence to start my own tuition business. I have also volunteered to be a member of a socio-cultural group known as Youth Power, which aims to provide a better future for young people. Following my commitment to the group and my professional level English, I was promoted to Vice President.

“I would like to thank Business Training for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful course of training. On receiving my Diploma I felt such a great sense of achievement.”

Dharamveer Manohur



The five worthy winners of this year’s Student of the Year Award. What do you think? Do these stories inspire you to study with us? Or, if you are already studying with us, do they make you want to work even harder now you’ve seen what can be achieved? Do you think you have a story that’s worthy of winning the award? If you do, why not enter this year’s competition? It’s free and all you need to do is fill out the application form, attach a photo and send it to us by post or email. Why not have a go? You never know, you could be reading your story here next year!