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Established in 1974

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Business Training's Student of the Year 2013


Congratulations to Shirlene Ling, winner of Business Training’s Student of The Year Award!

It’s been really tough for our judges again this year. And choosing just one winner from amongst the plethora of wonderful stories was challenging – we wish we could have all of you as winners! But we can’t, we have to choose just one, and this year Shirleen stood out as a particularly successful student.

How could our judges not be impressed with the achievements Shirlene has made since enrolling on the Business English with Spoken English course? And, once you’ve read through them, you’ll agree she really is a worthy winner. We were particularly impressed with the 70% rise in salary she’s received since completing her course, plus, her dedication to continue with the Advanced Business English course is highly commendable.

[Read Shirleen's Story]

Shirleen Ling

OTHER YEARS:     2012     2011     2010

If you are a student of The Business Training College and would like to enter the competition for 2014, please click here.

You could walk away with the first prize of £100!

To celebrate the success and achievements of our students we are pleased to run our annual Student of the Year Award. First prize is £100 and there are four equal runners-up prizes of £25 each.

We hope you enjoy reading about all of this year's winners!

...and the runners-up are:

Elvis AnizarElvis Anizar, Indonesia.

“Before enrolling for the Business English with Spoken English course I was an estate manager. Since receiving my Diploma in Business English with Spoken English my knowledge has improved significantly."

[Read Elvis' Story]

AmosAmos Wambugu Ndegwa, Kenya.

“Before I joined Business Training I was working as a clerk in my company. After I received my Diploma with distinction in Business English with Spoken English I showed it to my employer."

[Read Amos' Story]

Nicola-Nembhard Nicola Nembhard

“Before I joined Business Training , I was a female attendant at a Health Centre. I just did cleaning. Since joining the course, my level of work has been upgraded. I am doing more work, above my normal level."

[Read Nicola's Story]

Robert Mpundu Miwele

Robert Mpundu Miwele

“Before joining Business Training, I was a French teacher for the primary section at Riverside Private School. After completing my Diploma course with distinction, I was promoted to the position of senior teacher..."

[Read Robert's Story]


Shirleen LingBefore taking up Business English with Business Training, I was a junior copywriter in an advertising company. With little knowledge in this field, I struggled hard to improve my writing style.

‘After I received my Diploma I was offered a new job as a Global Support Executive in an international bank, which required me to communicate with traders from London and Paris. I can say Business Training helped me understand what the traders required and unnecessary delays or misinterpretations were avoided.

‘I soon earned the trust of my employer and built a good rapport with them. Despite the heavy workloads, I was still able to take on additional responsibilities, such as publishing newsletters for my department and organizing corporate social responsibility activities. Nine months later, I received awards and cash incentives for being an outstanding member of staff. And, best of all, my salary has increased by 70%!

‘Since joining Business Training, I have gained awards for 2010 and 2011 in Global Banking and Markets. I received cash incentives twice for being a top performer in 2010 and 2011. I also initiated and published the first newsletter for my department in order to provide updates to all business areas from overseas on monthly basis.

‘I successfully acquired product knowledge on derivatives, fixed income and rates in only two months. This prompted my manager to nominate me for a course that helps me implement process improvement ideas.

‘The course has changed my life for better and got the best out of me. Now I feel confident when I converse with people in English anywhere, anytime. Business Training has not only improved my writing skills but also my communication skills in a short span of time. All the time spent is worthwhile during the course. I would like to express a big Thank You to Business Training for realising my dreams. Otherwise, I am truly handicapped without a good English proficiency. Currently I am pursuing my Advanced Business English.’

Well done again Shirlene, we sincerely hope you continue to improve on your current success and wish you all the best of luck for the future. Enjoy your £100 winnings!

Shirleen Ling

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Elvis AnizarNow onto the runners-up! We chose four people we feel should receive recognition for their superb efforts on the course and the great things they’ve done after achieving their Diploma. The first of these is Elvis F Anizar from Indonesia. 


“The Business English with Spoken English course helped me with my study at the Polytechnic University of Indonesia. I often became a tutor for my college friends. What I learnt from Business Training enabled me to understand my lessons more quickly and easily.

"After graduation, and with the Diploma from the course in hand, I was accepted at a multinational manufacturing company stationed in Jakarta. I was appointed as a purchasing representative, whose duties included as a liaison officer between the purchasing department and the logistics department in the head office, and local suppliers, here, in Indonesia. The course gave me confidence to communicate in English, especially using business terms, and work with several nationalities.

"I then went to work for a capital management company. My bosses, British ex-pats, were very impressed with my English and how confident I was at communicating. Then I proudly showed them my Diploma and informed them where I got my confidence from: Business Training in Manchester.

"The company was a web-based company, and soon enough, I was in charge of the company’s online newsletter. Being appointed a person-in-charge for the newsletter reminded me of one of the modules in the Advanced Business English course. I gathered my courage, showed my superior the prospectus and asked for sponsorship. My request was approved I enrolled on and completed the course. This earned me another raise in salary.

"Currently, I am working in a state-owned social security corporation. The management and the board of directors are so impressed with my English and my work that they have awarded me a one year scholarship in Germany."

When we informed Elvis of her success in Student of The Year, she gave us this update by email:

"I informed my superior about this news during our morning meeting. She, and all my other colleagues, were very happy and congratulated me. In fact, she wanted me in the next meeting to give a presentation about your institution and what I have gained from the courses that I have taken.

"Furthermore, I would like to inform you that, as of January 1st, I took over the role of Quality Management System Officer. This is a breakthrough for me because now my tasks are more strategic and organisational.

Once again, thank you all very much!"

No, thank you Elvis! We are so proud of your achievements and feel lucky to have played a little part in that success. 

Elvis Anizar


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Amos Khambuga NdegaThe next worthy runner-up is Amos Kwambugu Ndegwa from Kenya. Well done Amos and thank you for taking the time to let us know how well you’ve been getting on. Amos says: 

“Since joining Business Training, I have been able to handle customers and my approach to the daily tasks I have to complete is more professional. This improvement in my performance has earned me an increase in salary. Last year, my boss was awarded a distribution deal with Transcend products. After trying out different people to manage the department, my boss turned to me because the others were under performing. I was not only managing the department but also became the sales and marketing manager of the department. After three months the department was performing well beyond my employer’s expectations. This resulted in my employer appointing me as the operations manager of the company! My salary has increased, with a lot of commission and the use of a vehicle.

"In 2009 I registered a company, but it remained dormant until I joined Business Training and was able to spur the company into action. I used the skills I acquired to run the company professionally. In the future, I hope to make it one of the most profitable companies in East Africa!

"My advice to anyone with a small business or in employment is to think of joining Business Training. You’ll learn the skills needed to improve your communication and also gain management skills that you can apply to your business and your life."

Wow Amos! You’ve done so well for yourself and all at Business training hope that you make your company a roaring success. Enjoy your prize money!

Amos Khambugu Ndega


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Nicola-Nembhard-120.jpgWell done to Nicola Nembhard, the third runner up in our Student of the Year Award! Nicola impressed the judges with her examination success and contributions to her local community. Nicola told us:

"Before I joined Business Training , I was a female attendant at a Health Centre. I just did cleaning. Since joining the course, my level of work has been upgraded. I am doing more work, above my normal level.

"‘I have also completed five subjects with the Carribean Examination Counsel. I was successful in all five. As well as being a Sunday school teacher, I am now the Sunday School Superintendant and Vice President for the Sunday School and Youth Departments at my church. This gives me the responsibility of sole access to the office. I have also been appointed as the Secretary of the Springfield Citizen Association.

"Business Training has changed my life completely and has helped me become more active in my work, home, church and community. I must also mention that one of the subjects I took an examination for was office administration. I did not attend any classes for it, I used the knowledge I gained from Business Training and achieved the highest level possible!

"Finally, I am also being asked on a regular basis to take the minutes at our monthly area conferences. Business Training is a blessing!"

We simply love to hear how well our students are doing Nicola. It was a joy to read how you’ve improved, not only your life, but that of your community too. Well done again and enjoy your prize money!

Nicola Nembhard


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Robert-Mpundu-Miwele-120px.jpgAnd last, but most certainly not least, our fourth runner up is Robert Mpundu Miwele. Well done Robert! You impressed the judges with your teaching success and the extra responsibilities you’ve taken on.

"‘Before joining Business Training, I was a French teacher for the primary section at Riverside Private School. After completing my Diploma course with distinction, I was promoted to the position of senior teacher and was appointed English teacher for the secondary section with a 57% increase in salary! Not only that, I am now a member of the decision making committee, which runs the school.

"I have gained the confidence and respect of my fellow teachers. And, the knowledge I have gained from my training with Business Training has won me a place at the European Business School, based in England. I am going to study a bachelors degree in business administration. Before I start this, I am going to complete the Advanced Business course.

"‘I made the right decision to join Business Training and would like to introduce my children to the college after they complete their secondary education."

Well Robert, we’d be more than happy to help your children achieve the same success as you. A French and English teacher no less – congratulations! We hope that your success continues well into the future and look forward to welcoming you as a student on the Advanced Business English course. Until then, enjoy your £25 prize money! So there you have it!

Robert Mpundu Miwele



The five worthy winners of this year’s Student of the Year Award. What do you think? Do these stories inspire you to study with us? Or, if you are already studying with us, do they make you want to work even harder now you’ve seen what can be achieved? Do you think you have a story that’s worthy of winning the award? If you do, why not enter this year’s competition? It’s free and all you need to do is fill out the application form, attach a photo and send it to us by post or email. Why not have a go? You never know, you could be reading your story here next year!