Business TrainingTraining for your future...
50 Years of Success
Established in 1974
"Helping you gain
.control of your career"
Every year Business Training rewards a few special students who have used their training to develop their careers or to contribute to their communities.
We were very impressed by the quality and range of this year's entrants and are proud to announce the overall winner and runners-up below.
We present a CASH prize to the student that we feel has affected the greatest change in their life since completing their studies with us.
This year's prize entitles the winner to £100 with four runners-up prizes of £25 each!
Congratulations to all of our students for their achievements!
Wycliffe S Okungu – who tells us how he has not only been promoted but also opened up his own business since completing his Diploma.
“As soon as I received my Diploma with Credit I applied for five jobs. I was called for interview for four of them. When I asked permission from my boss to attend the interviews he asked why I was intending to leave. When I explained and showed him my Diploma he promoted me to the position of Assistant Manager and my salary was increased from £25 to £200. In February 2008 I was again promoted to the position of General Manager and my salary was again increased to £300.
“I have also opened up a retail shop selling foodstuffs and I have employed my wife and three other people to run the business. I make a profit of £220 per month. My ambition is to open a supermarket and I have negotiated with the bank manager who has agreed to give me a loan to start the business next year.
“I would like to express my thanks to Business Training who have helped me greatly in achieving my success. I am no longer ashamed of my English and I do not have any problem communicating.”
The runners up, receiving £25 each, are...
Matthew Henda Njamba – who shows us how his Diploma opened up new and exciting avenues for him.
“After completing my course in Business English I was seconded to teach the secondary school pupils. This secondment led to a 40 per cent increase in my salary which really changed my status and social life. But this was just the beginning, more benefits were to follow.
“After my Business English Diploma I was accepted to do a Human Resources Course with another college, which I completed with distinction. I went on to study for four more diplomas. This in turn led to my appointment as a part-time human resources lecturer with the University of Zambia. This gave me more benefits and allowances.
“Recently I have also been offered a job by the Copperbelt Distance Education University to lecture in business communication. This was specifically because of my Diploma with Business English. My training has also allowed me to work as a Human Resources Consultant.”
“I owe this success to Business Training – thank you!”
Graham K Morris – shows how the Diploma can improve not only your business but your contribution to your community too.
“My major achievements are being made chairman of Bisana Education and Development Association and co-ordinator of the HIV Aids Awareness Programme. I also volunteer to teach adult literacy classes at the settlement.
“The Business English course was easy to follow. The knowledge I gained has advanced my business scope and interest. I have a chicken farm as a side project that provides me with an extra income. The management skills I acquired from Business Training enabled me to handle my workers and customers in a kind and courteous manner.
“Thank you to all the tireless and hard working staff of this great institution.”
Keisha Black – who describes how the course gave her the confidence and know-how to open a business of her own and give help to fellow community members.
“Since completing my Business Training course I have opened my own business – a restaurant/catering establishment. With the help of the business plan outlined in the course my business plan was a hit with my loan company. .
“I have also applied to the Ministry of Justice to become a Justice of the Peace in order to be able to help people in my community in their various ventures.
“As soon as my business is fully established I plan to be involved in philanthropic activities. The course has also motivated me to go ahead and pursue a degree in English studies.”
And last but certainly not least Eemambux Hacheeda Bibi – who shows us how our Diploma can help you get the promotion you want.
“On receipt of my Business Training Diploma I joined the communication team and assisted in the preparation of our company’s monthly newsletter. In fact, the first layout was prepared by myself and was so much appreciated by my senior that he readily gave his approval for publishing it. That was my first achievement.
“After that my involvement in the preparation of memos, minutes and letters increased as my seniors showed trust and confidence in my writing abilities.
“The course has not only developed my writing skills but has also brought self-assurance and confidence in expressing myself without hesitation or fear. Because of this I was selected by a manager to deliver a speech on customer service. Everyone was impressed with the speech and I was praised. Since then I have received opportunities to participate in meetings and presentations and my suggestions are greatly valued. Next year I will move to a new department where I will assume new and challenging responsibilities.
“All this would not have been possible without this course. It is said that ‘where there is a will there is a way’. For me Business Training is the only way.”
“I would recommend the Business English course to anyone who wants to improve their English, learn more about the business world or to widen their management techniques"
Dahlia Ewers, USA
“After obtaining my Business English with Spoken English Certificate, I found a new job as a personal assistant and my salary doubled. Later, upon obtaining my Advanced Business English Diploma, I secured another new job as shop manager. My salary has increased four-fold with numerous allowances to make my work easier.”
Felix Mwasuka, Zambia