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Established in 1974

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How To Study


Home-study is great! It allows you a huge amount of flexibility so you can fit your study in around your other daily activities. But, it also means you can choose to do no study at all if you just don’t feel like it! So, it is essential that you learn how to plan your time to ensure that you make your study sessions as effective as possible. Plus, having a plan to work to will help to prevent procrastination from setting in.


Planning begins with you being realistic about what you are able to achieve in terms of:

  1. the time of day you can study
  2. how many hours you spend studying at each session
  3. how often you can study
  4. where you’ll be able to study


Once you’ve determined the answers to the questions above you’ll have a pretty good study plan in place.

1. When To Study

Finding out when you study best can take a little time, but it really is worth it. For example, knowing that you absorb information better in the mornings will allow you plan study into your mornings so you make the most of your time.

2. How Long To Study For

As with knowing when to study, it is extremely useful to know what your limits are regarding the amount of time you spend studying at each session. For example, if you work best taking a break every hour, you can work these into your plan.

3. How Often You Should Study

Studying regularly helps with the retention of the information you are learning. If you study hard one day and then leave 10 days before studying again, it’s likely that you’ll have forgotten what you studied in the previous session. However, life sometimes gets in the way and if you need to skip a day, don’t beat yourself up about it. And, don’t try to cram everything you’ve missed into the next session – it won’t work! Simply jiggle your study plan so that what you’ve missed can be caught up over the next few weeks. Setting regular study times helps you make it into a habit and, once established, habits are hard to break, making them very powerful tools.

4. Where To Study

One of the biggest causes of distraction when you are trying to study is noise. It is essential that you have peace and quiet, so a quiet room would be ideal. But, quiet is not the only factor that affects how well your study goes. You’ll need a room that is:

  • neither too hot nor too cold
  • well ventilated
  • well lit


It should also have, if possible, a desk and chair so that you can sit comfortably while you work – being uncomfortable is distracting. Make sure your course sections, vocabulary notebook, dictionary, grammar books and anything else you need for your study are handy. This helps stop your concentration from being interrupted by having to get things.

However, remember that plans are flexible. So, if after the first month you find that what you thought you could achieve in each study session is not possible, you should be prepared to change the plan accordingly. It’s better to modify the study plan than struggle on with a plan that is clearly unrealistic.

Be Positive!

And finally, remember to be positive! Having a positive attitude has been shown to be beneficial in improving the learning process. After-all, if you believe you can learn something new, you will be much more likely to achieve it.

Follow these guidelines and you’ll deserve the success you are sure to achieve!

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