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50 years of success - Established 1974

50 Years of Success
Established in 1974

"Helping you gain
.control of your career"

How Do I promote my Proofreading Services?


Once you have learnt the skills needed to be a proofreader you’ll have to think about how you will convince people to use your services. Below are some of the most obvious ways of promoting yourself:

  • websites – one of the simplest and cheapest ways to showcase any previous work you’ve done, make testimonials available to read, put details about yourself and highlight any specialism you may have.

  • leaflets – it’s possible to produce leaflets simply and cheaply with only a word processing package and a printer. Of course, the more eye-catching and sophisticated you make them the more likely you are to get work, but if you print them yourself you can alter them as you go along. You can distribute to local businesses and shops asking if they need your services and, if not, ask politely whether they’d put up your leaflet for others to see. Universities and colleges, and the houses in the surrounding areas, are a good bet if you want to pick up university essay and dissertation work.

  • advertisements – you could put some money aside to take out a small advertisement in your local newspaper or community magazine or in a writing magazine such as Freelance Market News.

  • join freelancing or work at home websites – these will usually be free to join so all you have to do is spend a little time filling in your details. On most of these sites, you’ll be able to search for jobs and have your details available for other people to view as well. So, as you can see, there are plenty of avenues for you to explore to find work – all you have to do is decide which ones you’d like to use.

If you want to learn more about proofreading and how you can become a full or part-time proofreader why not request a free Proofreading and Copy Editing course brochure.